I believe creativity, that symbolic function of the psyche, is evolutionary and plays a key role in our individual and collective survival.
Dr. Ruebsaat is an associate faculty member of the Masters in Counselling Program at City University and acts as a doctoral mentor for instructors.
Mourning the Dream: Amor Fati
To Order: https://www.amazon.com/author/susannaruebsaat
Author's amazon page here
you tube interview about book:
“Rarely have I seen the inner dimension of visceral experience brought so tangibly to light as in Mourning the Dream—Amor Fati. Dr. Ruebsaat poignantly, poetically, and with remarkable transparency, explores hidden corners of her psyche while engaging in a dialogue with her readers that supports their own self-exploration. Ultimately, this powerful work of image and soul reaches beyond the realm of individual healing to offer the promise of helping to heal the splits and wounds of our culture at large.”
—Steven M. Rosen, author of Dreams, Death, Rebirth”